Monday, September 11, 2017

The garden is buzzing

The garden is buzzing and not just with bees.  The garden did a good job taking care of itself this summer.  What may look like weeds to some people is actually intentional.  Not having bare soil, reduces watering and the variety of flowers has been amazing for the bees.  We also have a gopher enjoying the garden along with his human friends who eat lunch there.  You will notice many students in the garden this fall.   Planting, identifying, designing and measuring are being done by the plants and society class.  They are bringing positive energy to the garden and it shows.  It seems to be even more alive with all of the activity.  We harvested our first pears and they were delicious.  We have also enjoyed the chamomile, lemon balm, and chocolate mint in our weekly teas.  The apples and comfrey are being used in various projects and we have been eating beans.  We are now getting ready to plant some perennials, cover the compost, and make a better trail.