Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Our next meeting is Thursday, Jan 29 at 2:00 in C156.  It's time to do our ordering and do some planning for spring. If you have any ideas or requests please bring them to the meeting, e-mail me (, or post to this blog.  That would actually be nice to see someone else post besides myself.  I do however know that our blog is being read and has influenced home gardeners.  I was very excited to hear that from a community member.  We have also been invited to present at Earthfest this April.  I will be unavailable due to my master herbalism studies but if someone else in our group would like to present, I could help with the preparation.  Since we have grant money that needs to be spent we are going to have to order some benches unless we suddenly get a welder or carpenter who came through the Mesabi program, or is currently in a program, who is willing and able to do it. I was really hoping to showcase a Mesabi student but we need to secure our benches by May.  If you know someone who may be interested, please connect them with me ASAP.