Thursday, August 21, 2014

Aug 14 work day successful

August 14 was a good day because we got a lot done, but yet a little bit sad because we it was our last day working with "bobcat" Toby.  We placed the arbor, made some raised beds, sheet-mulched the area to be the first guild, and made a spiral herb garden.  You may notice areas with straw.  That is temporary.  Those areas will be paths covered with mulch but we needed a place holder for the sheet mulching and it was available.  We are working on getting a sustainable water source (like the pond or rainwater catchment with a pipe going to the area in need of water) to water the guilds.  Hopefully we get something figured out soon so that we can plant some tress before winter because fall and spring are the best times to plant trees.  If anyone has ideas or know-how to get a watering system please let us know.  I will post in permaculture in action about spiral herb gardens and guilds in the coming weeks.  Thanks to Toby one more time.  He says he will come back to help this fall if we organize a Saturday workday.  Any takers?

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Our August 5 workday went well.  We didn't accomplish all of our goals but it was a lofty list.  We assembled and stained the arbor, completed the sitting pad, sheet mulched (see permaculture in action), planted some donated perennials and began path and trail construction.  We also have added a new element to our plan which is going to tie it all together-a walking trail.  So far we plan to put in about a quarter mile trail but as the project progresses over the years so will the trail we hope.  Stay tuned for the announcement of our next workday.  Thank you to those who helped and sent those positive energy vibes.  Our next job will include moving some sod so even 15 minutes helps.