Thursday, June 30, 2016

Take a walk on the Wild Side

Let's meet in the garden at 11:00 on July 11.  Kim will identify some plants and give some harvesting tips.  We will then walk to Olcott park where Dr. Aaron Kelson will lead tree identification.  We will have some field guides available.  You can join in for some or all of the walk.  We planned it at 11:00 so that maybe people can do it over a lunch break.  Let's hope for good weather.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Last planting

We have most of the planting done.  This year we are focusing on improving existing areas.  We planted the raised beds which feature tomato plants from our own saved seeds.  The fence area features green and yellow tomatoes.  We also planted some perennials and other vegetables along the fence.  We are still working on the soil in the fence area.  We have been able to use our own compost in the beds.  June 14 we will be weeding and doing our last planting for this phase.  If you plan to help, even for one hour,  please e-mail me at, because if we have a few more people to dig holes and haul compost, I will bring transplants from home, but it's too much to do with four just four people.  I plan to be there from 10-12 but depending on schedules of those who plan to help, I could change the time.  If you want to help but are not available on the days posted, you can always weed by focusing on quack grass and watering with pond water.  While you are there be sure to pick a few chamomile flowers for a cup of tea.  You need one teaspoon for one cup of water.  I have a donation of plants and bulbs in the fall so hopefully I can get some help with that.  I will keep you posted.